Laura Bergus is a Fiercely Passionate Advocate for Iowa City

As early voting at the Johnson County Auditor's office ramps up this week, I'm excited to cast my early ballot for Laura Bergus for an at-large seat on the Iowa City Council. I have observed Laura as a leader helping area nonprofits drive strategic initiatives, as a pro bono advocate for a client who needs a voice in our often cumbersome legal system, as a community member working with her neighbors in the South District, as a Jazzercise instructor motivating me to work a little bit harder, and as a dear friend to many. In each of these respects, Laura is a clear communicator who brings incredible smarts to the situation, stays dedicated and committed to her team, and has an ability to bring humor and fun to those around her.

Above all, Laura is a fiercely passionate advocate for Iowa City and all it has to offer – she is also my resource when I want to learn more about different perspectives on an issue facing our community. Laura Bergus is a person who has a practical approach to tackling and responding to challenges and understands the importance of giving space for many experiences, backgrounds, and voices to be at the table. She’s a person I lean on when I need to consider and make an important decision and I am confident that she can be that person for Iowa City at large.

— Cady Gerlach

Laura Bergus